
VPNs Add the S to IoT

VPNs are, in many ways, adding the ‘S’ for Security to IoT As we navigate our way into an increasingly digital realm, the Internet of Things continues to revolutionize how we monitor our environments, control our surroundings and increase efficiency in everyday life. As our reliance on IoT grows, so does our need for secure…

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How to Build Your Private LTE Network

Private LTE networks are becoming more popular due to the reduced complexity and operational costs. Historically, building cellular networks was limited to large corporations with deep pockets. Licensing frequency bands, purchasing radio infrastructure, developing and maintaining the core network layer are resource-heavy investments, until now. Building a private LTE network can be “easily” accomplished. Read…

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The True Speed of Cellular IoT

As of now, there are over 20 different LTE categories. From the initial LTE specifications released in 2008, to novel categories classified as LTE Advanced which supports data rates of over 300 Mbps, LTE Advanced Pro with speeds of over 1 Gbps, and LTE for Machines designed for battery-powered, IoT devices. When talking about cellular IoT, people often refer to LTE…

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